Tuesday, May 12, 2015

im back babe!

hey guys wazzup? sorry i was not able to update cause my CIE! it an examination for Cambridge students! any who now that its summer lets get off with some basic animes! okay lets see what i have got!

name: baka and test
genere: comedy, school life and a little romance! but a lot funny
age: 13+

okay summary! lets see! (wikipedia)
The story centers around a boy named Akihisa Yoshii, the titular baka (idiot) of the story. He attends Fumizuki Academy in Japan, a school where the staff rigidly divides the students based on the results of their academic scores. At the start of the school, students are academically sorted by entrance exam test grades. The higher the grades, the higher the class, and the better the benefits. In this case, Class A is filled with the highest-scoring students; therefore, their classroom is filled with many prestigious items , while the state of Class F is the complete opposite of that, representing the "bottom of the barrel" amenities, such as mats and low wooden tables.The story also loosely revolves around the love triangle consisting of Mizuki Himeji (an intelligent girl who was forced into Class F just because of a fever), Minami Shimada (a transfer student from Germany who struggles with kanji very much), and Akihisa, their crush.

okay  so this what i can give u right now cause i have totally not watched any anime except this i swear nothing except this!
go head call me crazy but now that summer is here let me just have a very nice summer and hope i get time to post! so sorry for the delay plus who so ever thought i was dead think again! lol! jk!

thank you! have a great summer guys! do tell me what u guys want in this blog and i will try my best to do it! and here is a pic of team 7 from naruto baby version! just to keep u bored people occupied! lol!
bye guys!

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